Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Studio Photography Lab 04


1/250 sec. f/8 29 mm ISO 100


f/8 1/125 sec. 27 mm ISO 100


1/250 sec. f/8 31 mm ISO 100


1/250 sec. f/8 27 mm ISO 100

1/250 sec. f/8 24mm ISO 100

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Studio Photography Lab 03 (Flash Compensation)

f/8  1/100 sec. ISO 100 26 mm

f/8 1/100 sec. ISO 100 26 mm

f/8 1/100 sec. ISO 100 26 mm

f/6.3 1/100 sec.  ISO 100 30 mm

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Studio Photography lab 2 (Flash)


f/4.5 1/160 sec. 30 mm ISO 100

This is one of the first photo I took when I was trying the flash  mode. This photo was also set in white balance and a proper aperture.

F/4 5/2 sec 24 mm ISO 100

The second photo was taken with a different flash mode, slow sync. I like the effect of this mode because it looks like a double exposure.

F/4 1/100 sec. 24 mm ISO 100

The last photo is my favorite because the flash really suits the image giving a shadow affect around it making the subject stand out.