Thursday, March 26, 2020

DIY Product Shots at home

Glass Object

The first object that I decided to take a picture of, is a perfume. I find it difficult to take shots of because the shape of the object is triangular therefore it's challenging to show the brand name clearly. I also use a sheet of paper to cover the lamp so it won't show too much light at the background. 

I did not use any flash at the images above as well because i was trying to control the brightness of the camera.

I also used a glass from the frame i have to show the reflection of the object but i wish i had a bigger glass so that it wont show at the main image. The next image on the left side was taken with my phone flash only and a light coming from the right side (covered).

I also tried to take the object outdoors to see the difference between the indoor set up lighting and I really like how it turned out because it looks clearer and the brightness are more natural.

I also tried a different reflective object and the light was placed in front of the object. The second product is a bit easier to capture because its black and it contrast to the white background that I used. In the second image I tried to experiment with the white balance option on m phone camera and the light is placed at the right side. I like the effects that it gives to the sunglasses as it gives more tone and the photo doesn't look plain and dull.

Metal Objects

For the metal object, I picked whisk to experiment. The metal object looks plain against the white background so i also decided to mess around with the white balance again and the ISO settings and shutter speed. 

All this images was taken with the lighting placed on the left side and used different levels of white balance. The last images stands out for me because the effects gives colors and depth to the object.

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